The MCU Phetchaburi Journal is classified as a Group 2 journal: a journal that has been certified by the Thai Citation Index (TCI) Center and is included in the TCI database for the years 2022 - 2024.
Currently, it is publishing its 7th year, issue 2, for May - August 2024. The editorial board reviews articles submitted to the Peer Reviewers for evaluation and correction to ensure completeness and quality before publication. The selection and screening of articles aim to achieve the highest quality, making them worthy of publication and maximizing academic benefits while enhancing the potential for academic creativity.
The editorial board would like to extend gratitude to all the Peer Reviewers for their perseverance and guidance in correcting each article to be accurate, readable, and beneficial to the academic community. Finally, we thank all the authors and everyone involved for contributing to the academic value of this journal, leading to its practical application and widespread dissemination. Please look forward to the next issue.
Phra Phiphitphacharodom, Dr.
MCU Phetchaburi Journal
Published: 2024-07-31