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This research is a combined method research. Purpose is to 1) Study the quality level of public services, 2) Study of personal characteristics related to the quality of public services, 3) Study causal relationships between New Public Governance (NPG) and quality of public services, 4) Study guidelines for quality of public services under the New Public Governance (NPG). Samples used were 130 staff personnel working for Local Administrative Organizations in Bangsaphan District and 10 key informants. The research instrument was a questionnaire and interview form. The research instrument was a questionnaire. and interview form Data were analyzed descriptively using percentages, means, and standard deviations. and inferential statistics Use the Chi-square value, Multiple Regression. Findings 1) The quality of public services under the New Public Governance (NPG) is at the highest level, (2)Education level ,work experience is related to the quality of public services under the New Public Governance (NPG), (3) there were causal relationships between New Public Governance (NPG) in terms of administrative management and network management aspects and Strengthening the quality of public at the statistical significant levels of 0.001 respectively, 4) guidelines for quality of public under the New Public Governance (NPG) of Local Administrative Organizations should be standard guidelines for providing services. It is accurate, explicit, and fast. The staff are professional and focus on applying technology to provide efficient service, Modern and up to date with current events.
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