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The PM 2.5 dust situation tends to increase at the beginning and end of every year. It has human origins and activities such as forest fires and burning in agricultural areas. Cross-border smog Traffic and transport industrial factories, etc. This academic article therefore aims to study guidelines for managing the effects of PM 2.5 dust and smoke. It was found that in managing the effects of PM 2.5 dust and smoke, the government gives importance by issuing measures to solve the problem in 3 phases, 1 measure summarizing. It can be said that there are 6 guidelines from considering measures to deal with the PM 2.5 dust problem, namely preparation for controlling risk areas. Setting conditions for permitting incineration Management Consideration of increasing conditions regarding burning in forests and agricultural areas. Implementing a non-burning agricultural product certification system (GAP PM 2.5 Free) to use in agricultural activities. Strict enforcement of the law and consideration of benefits or incentives for the private sector to join in supporting the resolution of PM2.5 dust problems.
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