The Creation of Cooperation Power through the Creation of the Song of Roi Phansa in Huai Krachao Sub-District, Kanchanaburi Province
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This research aims to: 1) Study the history and history of the "Roi Phansa" song.
2) Develop activities to create cooperation through the creation of the "Roi Phansa" song.
3) Propose guidelines for creating cooperation through the creation of the "Roi Phansa" song. It is qualitative research. By conducting in-depth interviews with key informants by purposively selecting 15 images/person and focus group discussions of 10 images/person, analyzing the content and presenting descriptive information.
The research results show that: 1) "Roi Phansa" song There has been a long tradition in the area. It has its origins at Ban Thuan (Phanom Thuan District). The content of the song is a public relations invitation to make merit. Join together to make merit during the end of Buddhist Lent festival. It is popularly done during the 7 days before the end of Buddhist Lent. Currently, it still exists in some districts only. 2) Creating cooperation power through the creation of "Roi Phansa" songs. It was found that the group of Father Pleng and Mae Pleng are mostly elderly people in the community. Collaborated with Phongpaiboon Temple and Huai Krachao Subdistrict Culture Organize Buddhist Lent training activities for youth leaders Until being able to participate in the Buddhist Lent and receive food to offer to the temple Organized activities to transfer knowledge to students at Ban Thappraya School and proposed it as a local curriculum. 3) Guidelines for building cooperation through the creation of
"Roi Phansa" songs. Proposed the activity of organizing a traditional Buddhist Lent travel festival in the sub-district by jointly organizing a round trip to various temples and villages in the
sub-district. There was a demonstration of the end of Buddhist Lent festival from a song teacher. Youth food contest Costume contest Local restaurants and community products.
From the results of the study, guidelines have been proposed for continuation by creating a force for local development according to the concept of "from local to valuable" that will reinforce the identity of the community way of life. Maintain Buddhism. Create unity in the community Expand the economic results of the Huai Krachao Subdistrict community further.
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