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This research aims to explore and analyze the commitment to the Christian spirit of teachers from different generations in a Catholic school. It employs the theoretical framework of Meyer and Allen's (1991) commitment model, which comprises Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, and Continuance Commitment. The study adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing in-depth interviews to gather data from teachers of both Buddhist and Christian (Catholic) faiths, who vary in age and work experience.
The findings reveal that the factors influencing commitment to the Christian spirit among teachers differ across generations. Baby Boomer teachers often exhibit normative commitment due to their stable life experiences and values. Gen X teachers focus on work-life balance, leading to high affective commitment. Meanwhile, Gen Y and Gen Z teachers prioritize career development and the use of technology in teaching, resulting in both continuance and affective commitment. Additionally, organizational recognition and support play crucial roles in fostering commitment across all generations.
This study highlights the importance of understanding the diverse needs and perspectives of teachers from different generations to develop strategies that promote commitment to the Christian spirit in schools. Creating an environment that fosters acceptance and continuous development will enhance teachers' stability and dedication, enabling schools to retain valuable human resources sustainably.
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