Causal factors of sustainable participation between the public and government sectors in community tourism management of the Lamphaya Floating Market community Nakhon Pathom Province
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This study aims to study the characteristics of community tourism management at Lam Phaya Floating Market, Nakhon Pathom Province, study the characteristics of sustainable participation between the government and the public sector in community tourism management, and study guidelines for community tourism management with sustainable participation between the government and the public sector This study is qualitative study, collecting data from a group of key informants who are experts in tourism and participation management, consisting of 1 Entrepreneurs at Lamphaya Floating Market 2 Villagers living in Lamphaya Floating Market Community 3 Lam Phaya Temple Committee 4 Lam Phaya Subdistrict Administrative Organization 5 Tourists visiting Lam Phaya Floating Market 6 Executives of government agencies related to Tourism and cultural promotion The results of the study found that the Lam Phaya Floating Market community tourism management has 9 factors that cause sustainable management, including planning. Organization, leadership, control, human potential, area potential, budget, cultural community conservation. and community environmental conservation
New knowledge gained from research in this matter Important participation includes 1. Participation in planning by clearly defining the objectives of Lam Phaya Floating Market tourism and having a clear operational plan, including dividing the duties of the public and private sectors to each. People have appropriate roles and responsibilities. 2. Participation in practice. The agreed plan must be implemented strictly according to the schedule. 3. Participation in sharing benefits and sustainability of Lam Phaya Floating Market tourism management occurs because all parties feel that they receive benefits from Implementation of this work, these benefits may come either in the form of monetary benefits or non-monetary benefits. 4. Participate in the evaluation. Evaluation will be a good indicator for carry out work
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