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This study aimed to examine the current status of organizational health development, the organizational health management process, and to propose guidelines for organizational health development of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense. This study was a qualitative study, with key informants consisting of 13 executives and civil servants of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense involing in the development of organizational health of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense. The research instruments were semi-structured interviews and data were analyzed using content analysis.
The research findings reveal that:
(1) The current status of organizational health development of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense has strengths in developing organizational health, including the importance of senior executives, good infrastructure, physical health care system, cooperation of personnel, and strong organizational culture. However, weaknesses were found that need to be addressed, such as some insufficient infrastructure, inadequate mental health care, generation gap, incomplete internal communication, and lack of flexibility in work. In terms of opportunities, it is supported by government policies that emphasize the development of the quality of life of government personnel, the ability to utilize technology, cooperate with external agencies, and learn from model organizations. At the same time, there are still obstacles, such as budget constraints, economic uncertainty, and challenging social changes. In conclusion, the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense has a good foundation for developing organizational health.
(2) Organizational health management process. The research results found that the key factors that will drive the development of organizational well-being of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense towards becoming a sustainable well-being organization cover 4 main aspects as follows: 1) Development of the physical environment 2) Psychosocial environment 3) Sources of support for personal well-being in the workplace 4) Participation of people in the organization Adhering to the principle of "people-centered" Aiming to create a "happy organization"
(3) The guidelines for the development of organizational well-being of the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Personnel must therefore have strong physical, mental and social health, covering 4 aspects as follows: 1) Emphasizing the creation of a workplace conducive to health and safety 2) Emphasizing the creation of a good working atmosphere that is fair, transparent and promotes good relationships among personnel 3) Emphasizing the promotion of personnel to continuously take care of their own physical and mental health 4) Emphasizing the promotion of personnel participation in every step, from policy determination, plans and activities to caring for, promoting and developing the well-being of themselves, their colleagues and the organization by creating an organizational culture that promotes well-being and participation, with the ultimate goal of becoming a model organization in promoting well-being. and is an important force in driving the country towards stability, prosperity and sustainability.
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