Protectingthe rights of those who have been released from prison : studying the case of employment in government agencies

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พีรดนย์ ปราบต์พีรดนย์
Pitchaya Luangrattanchharoen
Kandit Sirisan


The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the background, concepts, theories, and legal principles for protecting the rights of those who have been released from prison. 2) to study and analyze and compare legal principles, criteria for protecting and assisting those who have been released from prison. 3) to study and analyze the problems. impact barrier and solutions to the problem of protection and assistance for those who have been released from prison. Conduct research according to qualitative research methods. with document research methods The results of the research found that Principles of law for the protection and assistance of those who are later released from prison. Work and have rights When applying for government service in Thailand By comparing with the legal principles of foreign countries. Currently, the number of people who are released from prison each year is very large. Inmates who have been released after their sentences have expired, have been released from prison or received a suspension of their sentences, it is often reported that some of those who have been released from prison have returned to commit crimes again shortly after being released. One reason is that these released prisoners do not have occupations that can take care of themselves or their families and are unable to earn an honest living because they have been denied employment in both the public and private sectors due to having been in prison and having a criminal record. Therefore, it is an important cause that some of these released offenders re-offend and return to prison, causing the government and country to spend a large amount of budget each year to take care of prisoners.

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How to Cite
ปราบต์พีรดนย์ พ. ., Luangrattanchharoen, P., & Sirisan, K. (2024). Protectingthe rights of those who have been released from prison : studying the case of employment in government agencies. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 7(3), 492–506. retrieved from
Academic Article


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