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This academic article on ways to solve the political crisis in Myanmar has the objectives: 1. To study the causes of the political crisis in Myanmar. 2. To suggest ways to solve the political crisis in Myanmar. The results of the study found that
1.Causes of Myanmar's political crisis This is caused by 2 important reasons: 1) Interference from powerful states to occupy strategic points and later intervened by China and the United States. Until the conflict eventually moved to a proxy war between China and America. 2) The struggle for political power from domestic factors until leading to political instability coupled
- Guidelines for solving Myanmar's political crisis include: 1) Guidelines for solving problems of foreign interference. By create a balance of power among the three sides. 2) A solution to the struggle for political power within the country by negotiating.
Knowledge from the study found that : The two-party political power base structure in Myanmar was previously under the influence of China and the United States. The two superpowers caused a political crisis that led to a proxy war. Using the balancing method by "creating a three-way balance" between the government of Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar military government and ethnic groups It will help create a balance in the political structure and lead to negotiations in the future.
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