The Effectiveness of Social Welfare Driving in Housing for Vulnerable Groups in Wat Bot District Phitsanulok Province.
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This research on The Effectiveness of Social Welfare Driving in Housing for Vulnerable Groups in Wat Bot District Phitsanulok Province, aimed to study the effectiveness of social welfare programs regarding housing, to examine the personal factors influencing the implementation of housing-related social welfare, and to propose recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of housing-related social welfare for vulnerable groups in the Wat Bot District, Phitsanulok Province. The samples were 104 people by employing the questionnaire asking vulnerable housing groups and family members in the Wat Bot District, Phitsanulok Province and 30 interviewees involved in the welfare program implementation process selected from social welfare practitioners focusing on housing. The research results found that 1. Basic personal information of the questionnaire respondents: predominantly female at 52.9%, aged between 41-50 years old at 22.1%, with educational attainment mostly at the middle or high school level at 38.5%, predominantly unemployed at 65.4%, with an average monthly income of less than 5,000 baht at 96.2%, having 4 or more family members at 47.1%, and regarding their ability to self-help, mostly able to help themselves to some extent (household-based group) at 71.2%. 2. The level of effectiveness of housing-related social welfare programs for vulnerable groups in the Wat Bot District, Phitsanulok Province, is highest in terms of policy assistance, rated as high, and lowest in terms of stakeholders involved in welfare provision (sub-district administrators, community leaders, or village elders), rated as moderate.
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