Political Roles of Monks in Myanmar
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This academic article The objective is to study the political role of monks in Myanmar since the colonial era. Until the latter period of gaining independence from England. and during the period when there was an elected government The results of the study found that
- The political role of monks in Myanmar during the colonial era It is considered the role of the monks who came out in the political movement to demand independence from England. with Phra Sayato U Uttama and Phra Sayato U Visara as leaders.
- When Myanmar gained independence from England. Monks also play a role in politics. It is the center of spirit in calling on the military government to resolve the political crisis. and economic crisis
- During the period of the elected government The political role of the monks led by the National and Religious Protection Sangha has called for the civil government. Draft law to protect Buddhists, religious transfers and marriage
Keywords: The role of monks, Phra Sayato U Visara, Phra Sayato U Uttama
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