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The research article on the development of prototype products and marketing mechanisms of the Talam Muang Phet community enterprise is a mixed-method research. By interviewing 8 key informants and 15 workshop participants, it was found that 1. The prototype of palm products of Phetchaburi City Palm Community Enterprise includes: 1) Condensed-Fresh-Syrup Sugar 2) Light Sugar 3) Sugarcane 4) Sugarcane 5) Bentwood 6) Furniture Table 7) Carved Letters 8) Sugarcane Roof 9) Vinegar 10) Sugarcane Broom 11) Basket 12) Table/Chair/House Frame 13) Herbal Medicine 14) Sugarcane Head Curry 15) Sugarcane Dolls 16) Sugarcane Seed Charcoal 17) Soaked Water 18) Sugarcane Saplings 19) Charcoal Waste for Plants and 20) Charcoal Briquette 2. The development of creative sugarcane products of Phetchaburi City Palm Community Enterprise includes: 1) Sugarcane Bonsai Products and 2) Sugarcane Sapling Products Strategy development by the Community Development Department, Community Cooperatives, Vocational Colleges, and Vocational Colleges Rajabhat University, Provincial Commerce, Provincial Industry, and market examination development: 1) activity formats 2) marketing promotion 3) tourist attraction information 4) interesting activities 5) creating tourist attraction identity and 6) creating facilities and 3. developing marketing mechanisms for Phetchaburi palm community enterprise: 1) promoting palm planting 2) creating added value from palm trees 3) research and development of utilization 4) public relations for the creative economy prototype city 5) product distribution strategies 6) transportation costs 7) palm transportation has unique characteristics and 8) shortage of raw materials 9) pricing 10) packaging 11) sales promotion 12) creating a group page for visiting and ordering products and 13) adapting strategies to be better than competitors.
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