Communicative English Training Curriculum Development to enhance Potential of Tourism Service Providers in Cha am – Hua Hin Areas
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The objective of this research was to develop a Communicative English Training Curriculum for tourism service providers in the Cha-am and Hua Hin areas. The sample used in the research consisted of 30 people selected through purposive sampling. These individuals were people working in tourism establishments in Cha-am and Hua Hin who needed to communicate with foreign tourists and voluntarily participated in the training program. The research tools were 1) Lessons for the English curriculum for tourism service providers in Cha-am and Hua Hin, 2) Pre- and post-tests to measure English communicative ability, 3) exercises during the training, 4) a satisfaction questionnaire for the participants regarding the English communicative training curriculum. The statistics used for data analysis included the efficiency of the lessons, mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
The research results indicated that
1) the Communicative English Training Curriculum for Tourism Service Providers in Cha am – Hua Hin Areas met the specified average criteria and was applicable to the needs of the participants with an overall efficiency (E1/E2) of 81.40/82, which was higher than the standard criteria.
2) The learning achievement of the participants has increased significantly, with the post-training test scores being significantly higher than their pre-training scores at the 0.01 level of statistical significance.
3) The participants of the Communicative English Training Curriculum for tourism service providers in the Cha-am and Hua Hin areas had a high level of satisfaction with the training curriculum (x ̅ = 4.50).
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