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Jirapong Sangpaphan
Kamolporn Kalyanamitra
Satit Niyomyaht
Tassanee Lakkhanapichonchat


           The objectives of this research were (1) to study the using of information technology providing in public service of Bangkok District Offices, (2) to study the problems and obstacles of using of information technology providing in public service of Bangkok District Offices, and (3) to propose guidelines for the using of information technology providing in public service of Bangkok District Offices. The research was qualitative. The key informants used in this research were Bangkok administrators and administrators of Bangkok District Offices, totaling 23 people by a purposive selection. The instrument was interview form. Data analyzed by a descriptive.

The results found that (1) the using of information technology providing in public service of Bangkok District Offices, the policy was found to have clearly defined objectives, goals, strategies, and indicators to lead to practice. The development of information technology infrastructure found that hardware and software equipment for network systems was procured. For use in developing work systems, personnel management and personnel development, it was found that there had been a review and improvement of the manpower framework to ensure sufficiency, personnel development, and operational budgets. It was found that the budget was still insufficient. Information security was found to encourage personnel to be aware of its importance and monitor, evaluate, review, and improve measures and guidelines. (2) the problems and obstacles of using of information technology providing in public service of Bangkok District Offices was found that the budget was limited, technology changed quickly, lack of data linkage to the same standard, personnel lack knowledge and there were insufficient information technology personnel, and (3) the guidelines for using of information technology providing in public service of Bangkok District Offices was found that the administrators must see the importance, developed personnel quality, developed technology infrastructure, integrated information systems between agencies and review and improved laws and regulations, obstructived regulations.

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How to Cite
Sangpaphan, J. . ., Kalyanamitra, K. ., Niyomyaht , S. . ., & Lakkhanapichonchat, T. . . (2024). USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROVIDING IN PUBLIC SERVICE OF BANGKOK DISTRICT OFFICES. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 7(3), 1–12. retrieved from
Research Articles


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