Creation of value-added products from the fabric group Baan Hat Siew Si Satchanalai District Sukhothai Province
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The research on Adding Value to the Wisdom Products of the Make-through Stitches (Donpha) group of Baan Hadsio Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai Province, aimed to study the operating conditions in creating value added of the Donpha Wisdom products in Hadsio Sub-district, Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai Province and to study and analyze the creation of value added of the Donpha group's wisdom products. The samples were 385 people out of 6932 people from the population by using Yamane’s formula. The data were collected by employing a questionnaire. The results of the analysis found that: 1. Information on basic personal factors of the respondents, most of them were males, 57.1 percent, aged 50 years and over; 32.2 percent had a legal status; 59.5 percent had primary education; 48.1 percent had a trade/own business; 36.1 percent had a monthly income between 10,001-20,000 baht. 47.5 percent of the level of value-added creation of wisdom products in the Donpha group Baan Hadsio, Si Satchanalai District, Sukhothai Province was found most in the following: product design of 4.49 percent, followed by Group leaders of 4.47 percent, local wisdom transfer 4.46 percent, government agency promotion 4.45 percent and product distribution 4.45 percent.
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