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จุติรัช อนุกูล


The objective of this study was to conduct the analytical study of mural painting work of Buddhist Temple of Wat Thumikaram, Ban Mi District, Lopburi Province in terms of issues, beliefs, image layout, positioning and contemporary phenomena in painting.

The results of this study indicated that Wat Thumikaram was built in approximately the reign of King Rama IV. The painter used traditional Thai painting techniques combined with western painting techniques. The painting reflected Buddhist history that in stories of urban villagers and population of Bangkok city.

  1. The issue of the belief in paintings was still a traditional belief of Buddhism, it is a story of the Buddha’s life in which the painter has presented in various details in a story of 9 episodes.

  2. Image layout and positioning starts from the wall behind the president Buddha image, on the right side is the image of a congregation angel summoning the Bodhisattva for reincarnation to become a Buddha and her Majesty Queen Maya of Sakya having a vision. Next is a painting of the Buddha entering a priest life, enlightenment, and teaching Dharma. The front wall is a drawing of the patriarch and relatives in heaven. The left wall is a drawing of the Buddha depicting the death in nirvana and the cremation ceremony, an image of a king raising an army to request a division of the Buddhist relics and an image of a ceremony of Sarira.

  3. Contemporary phenomena in the mural has demonstrated the contemporary way of life of people in Bangkok and the urban villagers such as images of modern military divisions influenced by foreigners, such as Chinese cars, clock towers, steamer boats, national flags that represent the foreign trade and influence in art and culture.

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How to Cite
อนุกูล จ. (2021). STUDY OF MURAL PAINTINGS IN THE BUDDHIST TEMPLE WAT THUMIKARAM BAN MI DISTRICT LOPBURI PROVINCE. Journal of Research and Development Buriram Rajabhat University, 16(1), 15–26. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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