A Study of the Relationship between Personality, Lifestyles, and Achievement Motivation of University Students in Bangkok


  • Manasanan Hatthasak Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900


Personality, Lifestyles, Achievement motivation, Students


The aims of this research is to investigate the relationship between personal data, personality, lifestyles, and achievement motivation of university students and to develop prediction equations of the students’ achievement motivation. The population in this study was university students in Bangkok. A sample of 400 students in academic year 2017 was randomly selected from four universities. The questionnaires with the reliability of 0.87 were implemented to survey their personality, lifestyles, and achievement motivation. Additionally, the data were statistically analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. 

The results reveal that the majority of the respondents was female, that is 227 students or 43.3 percent of the total respondents. The results also show that the majority of the respondents was the first-year students, that is 152 students or 38.0 percent of the total respondents. Regarding the students’ personality, it is found that only neuroticism was at high level, that is 3.55, while the others were at moderate level. Concerning their lifestyles, it is found that all six types of lifestyles were at high level. To be specific, the academic one got the highest mean, which is 3.84. Focusing on the achievement motivations, three types of them were at high level and the ambition in studying got the highest mean at 3.85. By comparing the achievement motivations of male and female students, it is revealed that they have different levels of ambition, enthusiasm, risk management, and identity with the statistical significance at 0.05.

To develop prediction equations of the students’ achievement motivation, I have chosen the third model. I have found that the three best predicting factors with the 0.05 statistical significance include extraversion personality, conscientiousness personality, and neuroticism personality. All those three types of personality together predict the achievement motivation as illustrated in the prediction equations in the form of raw score as follows:

          (Achievement Motivation) = .265+ .194 + .139  

          The Standard Score Ž= .222(Z Extraversion) + .190 (Z conscientiousness) + .121
(Z Neuroticism)


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How to Cite

Hatthasak, M. (2020). A Study of the Relationship between Personality, Lifestyles, and Achievement Motivation of University Students in Bangkok. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 8(2), 162–175. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/248183



Research Article