Vanquished Nation and Sick Man: Nationness, Masculinity, and Sickness in Yu Dafu’s Sinking

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รัชกฤช วงษ์วิลาศ


This research article studies a modern Chinese novel, Yu Dafu’s Sinking, based on the concept of masculinity in Chinese society and culture along with the psychoanalytic theory as a framework. The result indicates that nationness and masculinity are related to some extent. When the nation is weak, the citizens of the nation, especially men, are also vulnerable. This is a representation of the discourse "sick man of Asia", which was prevalent in Chinese society from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, through a male character who was weak, depressed, and loveless. The character had constantly faced mental feeling of “sinking”. Finally, he decided to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, which was his physical sinking and the last sinking of his life. However, the death was the only way to fulfill his wishes. It helped him to liberate himself from “power of the father” represented by the society and culture, and transformed him into a part of nature which was the symbol of “mother”.

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Research Articles


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