State and Problem of Sports Tourism Management in Chiang Mai Province

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อานนท์ สีดาเพ็ง


The objective of the study was to study of state and problem of sports tourism management in Chiang Mai Province was a qualitative research.  There were 3 data collection methods: secondary data study, in-depth Interviewing and non-participant observation. The results of the study revealed that sports tourism organizations in both public and private sectors in Chiang Mai Province had main objectives in giving service, promoting and developing tourism.  Their managerial objective was to promote tourism in all dimensions, raising the standard along with the development of personnel and research. There was a planning in line with the policies and plans for tourism development at the provincial and national levels.  The working standards were set up based on the regulations of each organization, but still affected with budget constraints. For the organization and work system, it was found that the work was assigned accordingly to the structure of the organization but not yet covering the decision-making power of the budget.  As for the organizational leadership, there was a decision-making process based on organizational principles but encountered obstacles in the delay and personnel recruitment problems. In addition, in terms of task monitoring, it was found that there was tracking with systematic forms and processes for assessment.  However, the study revealed that some personnel were bored and there was an inequality in performance evaluation. For guidelines of sports tourism management in Chiang Mai, aspects that should be considered were location, management, activities and process including the elements of participation to achieve sustainable development.

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