
Ethical Guidelines for Article Author(s)

1.1 Author Responsibilities

  • Authors are obligated to submit original manuscripts conducted with integrity and adhering to global standards.
  • Research findings must be free from fraud, misconduct, fabrication, or distortion of Islamic principles.
  • Authors must present concise and methodologically rigorous reports suitable for replication by other researchers.
  • All data must truthfully reflect research findings without manipulation or falsification.
  • Authors cannot claim originality if similar works have been disseminated by others.

1.2 Originality

  • Manuscripts submitted must be entirely original and not concurrently under consideration elsewhere.
  • Proper citation and referencing of external sources are mandatory.
  • Authors must disclose and seek permission for any overlap with previously published or under review work.
  • Authors are required to withdraw manuscripts from consideration elsewhere before submission.
  • Re-submission of rejected manuscripts is permissible upon editorial recommendation.

1.3 Plagiarism

  • Submitted manuscripts must be devoid of all forms of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
  • Authors must ensure complete authorship of all content and provide appropriate citations for borrowed material.
  • Use of others' ideas, language, or intellectual property without proper attribution or permission constitutes plagiarism.
  • Submitting slightly modified versions of the same manuscript to multiple journals without acknowledgment is considered self-plagiarism.
  • Authors can mitigate self-plagiarism by citing previously published work as appropriate.
  • Proper attribution is essential when summarizing or adapting others' work.

1.4 Multiple Submissions

  • Simultaneous submission of identical manuscripts to multiple journals is unethical and not permissible.
  • Authors must refrain from submitting similar research or manuscripts to more than one journal concurrently.
  • Re-submission following rejection or withdrawal from another journal is acceptable.
  • Manuscripts submitted must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, in any language.

1.5 Conflict of Interest

  • All authors credited in the article must have substantially contributed to the research.
  • Authors are required to disclose funding sources supporting the research.
  • Authors must declare any conflicts of interest, if applicable.


Ethical Guidelines for  Article Reviewer(s)

2.1 Reviewer Responsibilities

  • Reviewers are rigorously selected by journal editors to assess submitted articles, aiming to enhance research reports and identify the highest quality content for the journal.
  • Journals employ a double-blind peer review process where the identities of both authors and reviewers are confidential.
  • Reviewed articles are proprietary information; reviewers must handle them confidentially, refraining from retention or duplication in any format.
  • Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and refrain from disclosing any part of the manuscript under evaluation to unrelated parties during the assessment period.
  • Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts within their specialized field, considering the significance of the content to that field, the quality of the analysis, and the depth of the findings. Personal opinions unsupported by data should not influence their assessment.
  • Authors are expected to respect the confidentiality of the review process and avoid revealing their identities to reviewers. Conversely, reviewers should avoid actions or statements that could disclose their identities to authors.
  • If reviewers become aware of any potential conflict of interest, such as collaboration with the author or personal acquaintance, they should promptly inform the journal editor and decline to review the manuscript.

2.2 Evaluation Quality

  • Reviews should be conducted professionally, honestly, courteously, promptly, and with constructive feedback.
  • Reviews should include identification and critique of strengths, weaknesses in experimental design, data interpretation, and ethical considerations arising from the study.
  • Reviewers should provide actionable suggestions for manuscript improvement and refrain from making subjective comments about the authors.

2.3 Timeliness

  • Reviewers are expected to complete their evaluations within the designated timeframe.
  • If unable to meet the deadline, reviewers should promptly notify the managing editor for consideration of an extension or reassignment of the manuscript to another reviewer.
  • Typically, the review period spans approximately 4 weeks.


Ethical Guidelines for Journal Editor(s)

3.1 Handling of Submitted Manuscripts

  • Journal editors are responsible for assessing the quality of submitted manuscripts and should promptly evaluate them upon receipt.
  • Initial decisions (acceptance or rejection) on submitted manuscripts should be communicated to the authors immediately after the quality assessment is completed.
  • Manuscripts that pass initial quality checks should be forwarded to reviewers without delay.

3.2 Editor Responsibilities

  • Editors must avoid conflicts of interest with authors, reviewers, and editorial team members.
  • Editors should rigorously check manuscripts for plagiarism using trusted software to ensure that published articles do not contain copied work from others.
  • If plagiarism is detected during the manuscript evaluation process, editors must halt the review process and promptly contact the corresponding author to explain the findings and either request revisions or reject the manuscript.
  • Every submitted manuscript must undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, including those received from members of the editorial board.

3.3 Managing Conflicts of Interest by Editors

  • When a submitted manuscript presents a potential conflict of interest that may compromise fair decision-making, editors should assign the manuscript management to an editorial board member who is suitably qualified and unbiased.
  • Editorial board members should be selected based on their suitability to handle manuscripts impartially, free from personal biases that could influence decision-making.