
Journal of Islamic Studies Prince of Songkla University

ISSN (Online) 2697-3979,  ISSN (Print) 1686-0780 

1. Semi-annual journal

- Issue 1 for January - June

- Issue 2 July - December

2. Scope of the article

- Islamic Studies - Muslim Studies - Middle East Studies

3. Conditions for receiving articles

All articles are considered for publication in Journal of Islamic Studies with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently being submitted for consideration in any other journals. All articles are assessed by specialists in their relevant fields (peer-reviewed), and must be approved by the editorial board before being accepted for publication.

4. Article type and number of pages

- Research articles between 8-15 pages

- Academic articles between 8-15 pages

- 2-5 pages of book reviews

5. Peer Review Process         
          Each manuscript submitted to the Journal of Islamic Studies is subject to an initial review by the editorial board in order to determine if it is aligned with the journal’s aims and scope, and complies with essential requirements. Then at least 3 qualified reviewers are solicited to evaluate a manuscript before publishing.   

6. Accept articles in 4 languages

Thai, Malaysian, English, Arabic

7. Supervising agency

Faculty of Islamic Sciences Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus