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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • All manuscripts are considered for publication in Journal of Islamic Studies with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently being submitted for consideration in any other journals.
  • Articles with two authors and above must be approved by all authors in order to submit articles for publication in the Journal of Islamic Studies. Prince of Songkla University
  • In-text citation and references must be writing in English
  • Articles and length of articles to be considered for publication
    1. Research articles 8-15 pages
    2. Academic articles 8-15 pages
    3. Book review 2-5 pages
  • The authors must strictly follow the FORMAT of Journal of Islamic studies Prince of Songkla University. Otherwise your articles may not be considered for publication.

Author Guidelines


                                        Article Format



English article = The topic must appear in English.

Arabic or Malay article = The topic must appear in both English and article language.

Topic in the center of the page.



All authors' names must be listed.




Highest educational qualification. Academic position (if any) belonging to all authors. Write it in the footnote,

e.g. Ph.D. (Educational Administration) Assoc. Prof. Lecturer, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. Email:



The primary author's email is below the article topic.
The rest is to be typed after the author's affiliation.



Not more than 300 words, abstracts shall be explained in the following topics:

Objective ………………………………………………………………………………..


Research Findings……………………………………………………………………....

Applications ………………………………………………………………………...........



3-5 Words



TH Sarabun New

- A4 paper size, margins on all four edges 2.54 cm.

- Topic size, 18 points, bold.

- Subtopic size 16 point bold.

- Content size 16 points, normal characters.



                           Article Content

Research Article

Academic Article

Introduction (Literature Review)

Introduction (Literature Review)








Research Findings



Discussion and Conclusion





References using APA 7th Edition

References using APA 7th Edition




 Table & Picture



If there is a table, specify the table number first. and continue with the name of the table set in the center of the page. The tables must be arranged by numbers. Table 1........ Table 2......... Table 3...... If there is a reference source, the author must specify the source.



If there is a picture, specify the picture number first. and continue with the name of the picture set in the center of the page. The picture must be arranged by numbers. Picture 1........ Picture 2......... Picture 3...... If there is a reference source, the author must specify the source.


Example of inserting a table

                                                 Table 1 Students of Faculty of Islamic Sciences













                                                                   Source:Kaseng, Y. (2020)

Example of inserting a picture


                                     Picture 1 Faculty of Islamic Sciences Source: Seha, A. (2018)



1. In-text referencing

APA 7th is an 'author/date' system, consists of the last name of the author(s) and year of publication.

          Include author or authors and year of publication.

          Use round brackets.

Example: (Assalihee & Adam, 2019)

If you quote directly from an author, you need to include the page number of the quote in your in-text reference.

          Include author or authors, year of publication, and page number of your quote.

          Use round brackets.

Example: (Assalihee & Adam, 2018, pp. 25-26)


                                                                           The Reference List

>> Include all your references, regardless of format, e.g. books, journal articles, online sources, in one alphabetical listing from A - Z.

>>The first line of each citation is left adjusted. Every subsequent line is indented 5-7 spaces.

*The \ symbol in the form means 1 space.


Journal article

Last name,\first initials.\( Year of publication).\Article title.\ Journal title in italics,\Volume of journal (in italics)\Issue of the journal (no italics),\Page Number.\DOI 


Sattar, Y., Sahoh, I., & Sidi, A. (2021). Debate on Political Leadership and Muslim Women Politicians in the Deep South of Thailand. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 12(1), 27 - 42. Retrieved from



Last name,\first initials.\( Year of publication).\Book title (in italics)\Edition (in round brackets).\ Publisher.


Chantavanich, S. (2014). Qualitative Research Methods (10th ed.). Chulalongkorn University Press.



1. In case the publisher does not appear, put the word n.p. meaning no publisher.

2. It is not allowed to cite sources that do not have the year of publication.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.