Traditions and Rice Rituals : Relationships Between Karens and The Supernatural


  • Ubonnapa Inploy Folklore Program, Faculty of Humanities Naresuan University Phitsanulok Province 65000
  • Prachaksha Saisang Folklore Program, Faculty of Humanities Naresuan University Phitsanulok Province 65000


Rice, Tradition and rice rituals, Karens, The supernatural


This documentary research aimed to investigate traditions and rice rituals, showing the relationship between Karens and the supernatural on the perspective of folklore on 3rd dimensions, that is, mythology. The documents for study were both in Thai and in English. Two research sub-topics under the study were as follows: 1) traditions and rice rituals of the Karens and 2) relationships between Karens and the supernatural in traditions and rice rituals.

The research results revealed that 1) the Karens originally paid homage to spirits which usually inhibited in nature. Although they later on have practiced Buddhism and Christianity, spirits still have an important role in their lives, particularly on rice growing. All 12 months, Karen would conduct rituals and rice ceremonies and would stick to the rituals related to rice producing processes and 2) rice rituals were symbols of connection to the supernatural, signifying the relationship between the Karens, nature, and the supernatural. All actions connected to rice rituals were the symbols of ‘requests’ and ‘thanks’, so ‘rice’ is regarded as being in holy status, like nature around us, which is also in holy status. Rice connects humans to nature of all things, including lands, rivers, mountains, forests, and universe.


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How to Cite

Inploy, U., & Saisang, P. (2020). Traditions and Rice Rituals : Relationships Between Karens and The Supernatural. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 8(2), 206–228. retrieved from



Research Article