The Journal of Rattana Bundit University (JRBAC) ISSN 2697-519X (online); ISSN1906-2192 (print) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, published semi-annually (twice a year) by the Office of Academic Affairs, Rattana Bundit University, Bangkok, Thailand. Founded in 2005 as a printed version under the name RBAC Journal, later changed its name to the Journal of Rattana Bundit University (JRBAC) and create an online journal published from 2010 to the present.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
The APC covers the costs of peer review administration and management, publishing operations, and administrative functions incurred in processing received for manuscripts fee (after the manuscript has been format checked):
Thai manuscript 3,500 baht (three thousand five hundred baht)
English manuscript 5,000 baht (five thousand baht)
Note: Additional 1,000 baht must be paid for another per reviewer if requested by the Journal
Already transferred to:
Bank: Krungthai Bank, PCL. (KTB)
Account name: Rattana Bundit University
Account number: 986-0-91977-1
After payment is made, please e-mail the payment slip to
Call for papers
JRBAC is accepting the original research articles. Academic articles and review articles in the humanities and social sciences covering the subjects of Business Administration, Management, Accounting, Logistics, Public Administration, Law, Liberal Arts, Arts, Communication Arts, Education, Information Technology for Management are also welcomed.
Those interested can submit original articles in both Thai and English. Original articles will be published and must be prepared in accordance with the academic journal standards as specified by the JRBAC
Schedule of issues in 6 months (2 issues per year) No. 1 January – June and No. 2 July – December
Current Issue
Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): July - December