A Model of the Causal Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Community Marketing in Enhancing Thailand Tourism
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This research article examines the direct and indirect influences of causal factors namely, tourism image, travel technology, tourist behavior, and the marketing mix from the tourists' perspective on the effectiveness of community marketing in Thailand’s tourism sector. Additionally, it aims to develop a causal model that affects the effectiveness of community marketing in this context. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, with quantitative research complemented by qualitative methods to enhance and validate the findings. The quantitative research involved a sample of 500 tourists from five community markets in Central Thailand, selected through quota sampling techniques. For the qualitative component, data were collected from market vendors, scholars, and tourists to corroborate the quantitative results, with semi-structured interviews conducted with 14 participants. Statistical methods include descriptive statistics for preliminary quantitative analysis, structural equation modeling using the LISREL program for relationship modeling, and content analysis for interpreting qualitative data. The study confirmed all hypothesized assumptions, finding that causal variables directly influencing community marketing performance include tourism image, travel technology, tourist behavior, and the marketing mix from the tourist perspective. Furthermore, the study identified statistically significant indirect effects of these causal factors on marketing effectiveness, mediated by the marketing mix, at the .05 significance level.
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