Effects of Multi-text Reading Teaching Technique on Students’ Chinese Reading Abilities at a Chinese Senior High School
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Reading is considered an important skill in language learning. This study aimed to 1) study the effects of multi-text reading on students' reading abilities in a Chinese reading course, and 2) explore the satisfaction of high school students in a Chinese reading course with multi-text reading teaching technique. The study was conducted at a high school in Zaozhuang, China. There were six classes each of which had 20 students. The sample group was selected using convenience sampling. The class was taught for ten lessons with multi-text reading technique. The research adopted a one group Pre/Post test experimental design. The Pre-test was given before the course began and the Post-test was given at the end of the course. The 20 students who participated in the study were asked to fill out a 15-item questionnaire to show their satisfaction of the lessons. Besides the questionnaire, structured interviewing was adopted with six volunteers to collect data about their thoughts and feelings about multi-text reading technique. The findings of the study revealed that the students in the experiment improved their reading skills through multi-text reading teaching (Pre-test=11.5 and Post-test=19.5. with the p value of 0.01) The interview responses pointed out that multi-text reading made them enjoy reading more and that multi-text reading had a number of benefits.
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