A Study on Cybercrime Fear among Government Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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The COVID-19 pandemic has altered crime patterns and statistics from previous norms, with many individuals becoming victims of new forms of crime. This research aims to examine the level of fear of cybercrime and the factors associated with fear of crime among government personnel during the COVID-19 outbreak. Data were collected from a sample of 401 government employees, selected using the sample size indicated in the table for determining sample size from a given population. Questionnaires were used as the primary data collection tool. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics—such as percentages, frequencies, means, and standard deviations—and inferential statistics, including t-tests and F-tests. The findings revealed that the sample group had a low overall level of fear of crime during the COVID-19 pandemic. When comparing levels of fear across personal factors, such as age, health status, affiliation with agencies under the Ministry of Justice, and average monthly income, it was observed that different approaches to managing crime victims impacted the level of fear of crime. The results of this study can inform policy development on crime prevention and public safety to reduce fear of crime.
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