The Comparative Analysis of The Soldier Representation in Organizational March Songs and Popular Songs

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Nantawat Nedjaroen
Cherdchai Udomphan


This article aims to examine the representation of soldiers in an organization’s march songs and popular songs. The data of the study are 67 organizational march songs collected from Royal Thai Army, Royal Thai Navy, and Royal Thai Air Force, and 40 popular songs collected on The concept of representation, transitivity, and social actors were applied in data analysis. The result shows that there are three representations of soldiers which coexist in both organizational march songs and popular songs: a defender of the nation and the citizen; a strong person; and a person who respects the nation, religions, the king, and honor. There are two representations of soldiers which appear only in organizational march songs: a person who can work skillfully; and a person who loves organization and companion. There are three representations of soldiers which appear only in popular songs: a person who separates from the family and a lover; a low-class person; and a person who abuses duties. The result indicates that organizational march songs intentionally present only the positive representations of soldier; however, popular songs present both positive and negative representations of soldiers, which indicate the power contesting by representation construction between the military and the citizenry.      

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