Literature Review of Violence Against Women Related to Alcohol Consumption and Control Strategies

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Ittipong Thongsrikate


The literature review conducted a qualitative research study by examining data from research documents related to controlling behaviors and violence against women associated with alcohol consumption. This study utilized data from electronic databases spanning from  2012 to 2022 and  a total from 35 research articles were analyzed using content analysis.

The study found that violence against women associated with alcohol consumption consists of three main factors: 1) biological factors: alcohol impairs the nervous system mechanism of the drinker, leading to the inability to control behavior appropriately, resulting in violent actions and increasing the risk of alcohol-induced diseases; 2) psychological and family factors: being inclined toward violent behaviors correlates with negative attitudes towards others people, viewing alcohol consumption as a means to alleviate distress, family environments involving alcohol use and violence, long-term relationships with communication issues within the family; 3) social and environmental factors: factors such as societal acceptance of violence, social norms that encourage alcohol consumption, and the perpetuation of violent behaviors due to cultural beliefs are influential. The strategies for controlling violence against women associated with alcohol consumption include limiting access to alcohol, raising awareness through campaigns and media to enhance understanding of violence, incorporating concepts of gender transformative approaches, modifying norms, and cultural aspects that promote sexual violence, as well as implementing laws and measures to prevent violence.

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Research Articles


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