Ma Sep Nang Talisman: Communication for Cultural Transmission of Lanna Amulets

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Jinnipa Maneekij


The study aimed to explore cultural communication as a means to preserve the traditions of Lanna amulets, particularly focusing on the Ma Sep Nang talisman. Employing a qualitative research methodology grounded in the concepts of cultural production and reproduction, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with producer groups, publisher groups, and consumer groups. Additionally, document analysis was employed to enrich the study. The research findings revealed that the Ma Sep Nang talisman was originally influenced by Burmese and Tai Yai cultures, subsequently undergoing modifications to evolve into the Lanna Yant Cloth. In the traditional era, the talisman symbolized love, charm, mercy, great popularity, and wealth, a significance that persisted into the contemporary era. However, an additional aspect emerged, focusing on attracting love. The study identified three characteristics of reproduced culture: existence, reproductive existence, and forward existence. During reproduction, the Ma Sep Nang talisman exhibited characteristics that either remained unchanged or were altered based on the creators' preferences and beliefs, leading to shifts in its intended purposes. Regarding consumption, individuals utilized the Ma Sep Nang talisman for various personal reasons, such as charm, trade, gambling, or seeking peace of mind. Consumers adapted the talisman to meet their specific needs, unrelated to its
primary effects. The dissemination of the Ma Sep Nang talisman style manifested through three distinct characteristics: the author, sellers, and collectors.

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