The Guidelines for Application of Local Context in Chinese Language Teaching for Vocational Schools in Nong Khai Province
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This qualitative research aims to study the guidelines for application of local context in Chinese language teaching for vocational schools in Nong Khai province through SWOT Analysis. The data were collected from related academic articles research paper and in dept interview data from 4 vocational school in Muang District, Nong Khai province. The finding indicated that Nong Khai province location, vocational education policies, and labor market need are the strengths (S) to drives the development of Chinese language teaching. However, the continuity of learning, textbook, and teacher still be the weaknesses (W) in the process of improving teaching quality. Job getting opportunities, creation of local context in Chinese which can be applied in practice, and increasing the language potential to support tourists are the opportunities (O) which results in creating opportunities for people in the area. Threats (T), the deficiencies of budget, lack of appropriate and effectiveness textbook and lack of local context knowledge in Chinese language are the obstacle for the vocational schools in the area to reach the goal. According to the analysis result, there are 4 suggestion in application of local context in Chinese language teaching for vocational schools in Nong Khai province 1) collaboration to create the local context knowledge in Chinese language 2) encourage school and teacher to apply the local context knowledge in teaching content and material 3) Collaboration between agencies in the area to develop and promote Chinese language teaching and learning 4) increasing Chinese language teachers local context knowledge perception to applying to the classroom.
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