Psychological Experiences of the Elderly About Lived Amidst Dynamics of Change in the Old Communities of Mueang Chiang Mai District

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Patranit Jitsamruai
Araya Pontanya


This Qualitative research aimed to explores psychological experiences of older adults about lived amidst dynamics of change in the old communities of Mueang Chiang Mai District by using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The research used purposive homogeneous sampling Method. The informants were four older adults deemed to have had experiences of grown up and spent the life cycle in Charoen-Muang Road and Railway Station of Mueang Chiang Mai District, Age 72-80 years. The analysis revealed five main themes emerging from the data: 1) Strong connections with others in the old communities 2) Love and attachment to their own place in the old communities 3) Creativity for existence of value in retirement life by work and lifestyle 4) Discord with the current situation in the old communities and 5) Learning about change one's self and environment. The findings suggest that older adults have both positive and negative emotions and thoughts in experiences with lived amidst dynamics of change in the old communities. Also, older adults have adapted both internal and external and construct the elderly representations to positive by communities resource such as relationship, environment, and friendly activity for older adults. The study draws attention to emotions and thoughts experience in everyday life of older adults that are related with biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions, especially social and cultural context in their lived. The results of this study can be applied for positive outcome of the well-being amid urbanization and aging society in Thailand as appropriate.

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