Storage and Retrieval of Lanna Information Resources at the Institutes of Information Services in the Upper North of Thailand

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Praewnapa Sriwantan
Watsaporn Arayaphan


This research aimed to explore the storage and retrieval of Lanna information resources at the institutes of information services in the Upper North of Thailand. This qualitative research used a semi-structured interview to collect data from 2 groups of key informants which consist of 1) 7 librarians and 2) 12 library users from 7 institutes of information services in the Upper North of Thailand. The results reveal that every institutes of information services acquires Lanna information resources by purchasing and requesting or donations. Some institutes of information services also have their own publications and replicate of the original resources from other libraries. Furthermore, they use Dewey Decimal Classification for classifies printed Lanna information resources, meanwhile, they use numerical filling system for each type of non-printed Lanna information resources. In addition, all institutes of information services have their own storages which include printed materials and non-printed materials, as well as electronic databases. Moreover, institutes of information services in the Upper North of Thailand’s users retrieve Lanna information by using Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) twice a week and also purpose for studying and teaching in Lanna historical aspects. Most of users create their own words which are keyword, free term, natural language and specified words in both Northern Thai language and standard Thai language for information retrieval.

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