The Changing of Streaming Media in Thai Film Industry: A View from Suppliers and Stakeholders

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Viroj Suttisima


This research aims to analyze the changing of streaming media in Thai film industry from suppliers' and stakeholders' views in 2021. The research methods include 1) documentary research, i.e. analyzing laws, policies, and value chain model in the film industry, and 2) in-depth interview. The study reveals the Western influence in the change of local film making standard, the incorporation of universal and local identities in films, and the audience-centric approach in content production. Through this approach, the content of films will be created to satisfy both mass and newly-emerged niche audiences. Consequently, these changes will lead to an increase of employment due to the need of more manpower in the production sector.  The traditional distribution will be hugely affected as the audience become more likely to watch films on online streaming platforms instead of going to cinemas. At a macro level, local producers will need to adapt their working practices and style of creativity to new trends in international platform business. At a micro level, international platforms will have to adapt to local tastes and working culture.

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