The Adaptation of the Alcohol Businesses on Nimmanahaeminda Road Under the Government Policies During the Years 2014 to 2020

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Wasan Pounpunwong


This research aims to study the adaptation of the alcohol businesses on Nimmanahaeminda Road under the government policies during the years 2014-2020. This study is qualitative research conducted by in-depth interviews with the samples who were selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling methods. The sample groups consisted of 6 from government sector, 16 from business groups and 4 from civil society sector. The results of the study indicated as follows: 1. The political situations, especially the coup d'état by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) in May 22, 2014, affected the adaptation of the alcohol businesses by allowing establishments to strictly open until 22.00 hrs. This affected the growth rates and turnovers of such establishments. Nonetheless, the situations during 2017-2019 have gradually improved until it has been affected by the year 2020 from the epidemic of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) which has caused another slowdown in the growth. 2. The government policies were still influential in the issue of control measures. Therefore, entrepreneurs should study the relevant laws and be prepared to deal with the changing situations both politically and economically. Finally, this means that alcohol-related entrepreneurs still have to be tied to political powers and policies undeniably. 3. It can be seen that the economic impacts arise after the strict enforcement of alcohol-related laws. This reflected that the issue of control measures and regulations of the state arises under the adversary towards increasing revenues in the economic structure of alcohol-related entrepreneurs. At last, the economic image of Nimmanahaeminda Road, that will be inactive or prosperous, is considered to be related to the political policies and alcohol-related laws indeed.

            The suggestions from this research: This research is only the study in the contexts of economic area and political factors at a provincial level, which can be further studied in wider contexts onwards.

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