Important Roles Factors Affecting Social Cohesion

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Somruedee Sanguankaew
Kasetchai Laeheem
Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn
Jirachaya Jeawkok


Social cohesion concept has contribution to society in terms of creating social solidarity that is basic needs for all human beings and necessity of nation-state that provides the national stability. Endless development and paying more attention made this concept were enfolded by ideology of researchers in various disciplines. This paper firstly aims to propose the definition, meaning, important factors effect on fostering social cohesion as well as to discuss the limitations, the challenge of Thai multicultural society. Moreover, the study also proposes the community cohesion concept which was the way to resolve the complexity of the concept. Related studies and theories of the concepts were analyzed and synthesized. The finding revealed that the six social factors of social cohesion, namely membership attraction, perceived cohesion, participation, shared community values, social capital, and role of institutions were affected to social cohesion.

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