The Development of a Thai Supplementary Book for Reading Entitled "THAI CHICKEN" for Myanmar Students

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Shun Lae Win
Supak Mahavarakorn


This study aimed at constructing a supplementary reading book entitled “Chicken” to promote the reading skills of Myanmar students. The research methodology was conducted in terms of an experimental research design. An instrument or supplementary reading book was developed and consisted of ten lessons which included: (1) knowledge of chicken; (2) songs and stories about chicken; (3) Thai plays about chicken; (4) zodiac signs and important temples concerning chicken; (5) Thai dishes with chicken; (6) Thai proverbs about chicken; (7) Thai folktales about chicken; (8) Jataka Tales about chicken; (9) the story of King Law; and (10) the poem of Lilit (Thai poem). The instrument was revised according to the advisor and three experts. After that, the instrument was used to collect data from the participants who were third-year Myanmar students at the Yangon
University of Foreign Languages (YUFL) and majored in Thai. The findings revealed that the supplementary reading book entitled “Chicken” to promote reading skills for Myanmar students included the main text, vocabulary, exercises, supplementary texts and a test. The supplementary book consisted of main texts and “supplementary texts”. The supplementary texts were about the Culture of Republic of the Union of Myanmar that related to Culture of Thailand and explained with
Myanmar language. So, this supported their understanding. The efficiency level of the supplementary reading book entitled “Chicken” to promote reading skills for Myanmar students was at the level of 83.47/80.8, higher than the criteria at E1/E2 = 75/75. A supplementary reading book entitled “Chicken” to promote reading skills for Myanmar students promoted the learning of students during the course named THAI 3104 (Literature, History and Culture) in terms of literature, histories, cultures and could promote reading skills.

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