The Process of Enhancing Participation in Water Resources Management for Sustainable agriculture and Consumption in Watershed Forest and High Areas Communities of Kanlayaniwattana District, Chiangmai Province

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Somkit Keawtip
Pradtana Yossuk
Sathaporn Saengsupho
Pongsakorn Kawichai
Sittichai Thummakun
Krit Suriyachaipun


          This qualitative study participatory action research was conducted in Kanlayaniwattana district, Chiang Mai Province so as to: enhance the participation process of the public, government, private and civil society sectors. This was based on the application of the Royal Initiatives and local wisdoms to the water resource management in the highland watershed community. The sample groups include: 1) community leaders and concerned personnel (30 persons); 2) representatives of people in a prototypic village (60 persons); 3) representatives of organizations/ agencies in the locale of the study (15 organizations/agencies); and 4) 10 organizations/agencies outside locale of the study. The obtained data were analyzed by using content analysis and descriptive statistics. The validity of the data was examined by using the triangular method.

            The study revealed that the process to enhance the participation of every sector all the panties included: 1) Analysing problems and obstades; 2) Creating a cooperative mechanism to facilitate the participation of all panties; 3) developing (a) sub-district strategic plan(s) for water resource management in a highland watershed areas; 4) Promoting (envivonmental) awareness and (local) participation in conservation of natural resources (soil, water and forest); 5) Sharing and   transferring knowledge about the application of the Royal Initiatives and local wisdoms on highland water resource management; and 6) Providing legal guidelines on water resource ; and management in national reserved forest areas.

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