Landscape in Memories from the Text of the Novel “Ban Nai Khlon” by Kittisak Khachen
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This article aimed to study the landscape in memories from the text of the novel “Ban Nai Khlon” (Houses amid the Mud) by Kittisak Khachen. The study process employed the concept of landscape in memories as the analysis method as well as the factors from the text. The study results revealed that memories as recorded via the text showed the concepts which reflected the relationships among human beings, society, and natural environment. These were linked in chronological order which were the time of happiness and hope, the time of struggling to survive, and the time to start the new life. These periods of time consisted of imaginations in 7 dimensions namely – 1) houses of the families, 2) relative society, 3) training the children, 4) children folk sports, 5) the relationship between people living at the river sources and the ecological system, 6) saving oneself from the natural disaster, and 7) the beginning of new memories of families survived. These imaginations reflected the memories which a person or groups of people had done or faced in the past. The text, therefore, served as an area where the memories were recorded and did its duty as a record of situations, places, and the shared feelings of the people’s group.
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