A Study of Vocabulary Recognition Performance by Using Visual Media Method in Japanese Language for Conversation and Communication 1 for Undergraduate Students of Maejo University

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ศนิ ไทรหอมหวล


The objective of the study was to study vocabulary recognition performance of students of Maejo University in Japanese Language for Conversation and Communication 1 by using visual media method by comparing students’ examination results in vocabulary and overall topics between two groups of students with and without visual media. A sample of 54 students who were registered in the Japanese Language for Conversation and Communication 1 in the second semester of 2017 were obtained and the visual media and vocabulary recognition examination were constructed. The topics used in this study consisted of vocabulary lists which were found in teaching materials in Japanese Language for Conversation and Communication 1. They were categorized into three categories: noun, adjective and verb.Findings demonstrated that the group of students which studied with the visual media method had statistically significant of .01 higher in vocabulary recognition performance than the group of students studied without visual media method. Findings also showed significant statistical difference of .001, .01, .05 in adjective, verb, noun examination result respectively.

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