Identity of Local Wisdom on Mudmee Silk Patterns of Khmer Surin

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สุริยา คลังฤทธิ์


This article aims to present the ethical dimensions which reflex from the silk patterns from Khmer weavers in Surin Province. It is a review article for the linking of the identities on the silk patterns from Khmer Surin weavers, which identify by the history of Surin province, Khmer ethnic group, local wisdom and the identity of the silk patterns. The main point this is article to identify the deep dimension on the identity of the silk patterns, the base of the construction on the patterns and the base of belief root which involved to the way of life of Khmer people. There are 2 dimension perspectives of the local silk patterns of Khmer weaver such as the symbol of the nature, the symbol of the base of belief. The benefit of this article is to indicate the importance of the ethical identities reflected on the silk patterns of Khmer people in Surin province which leads to new knowledge or create useful information by a study or research for the conservation of Khmer culture for the next generation.

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