The Analysis of Thai Nickname Modifiers of People of Three Age Groups in Nonsang Sub-district, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province

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ศราวุธ หล่อดี
จุฬาลักษณ์ สืบวงค์


This research analyzed the number of words, origins, and languages used in nickname modifiers of people of three age groups in Nonsang Sub-district, Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province. 83 nickname modifiers were obtained from interviews with 13 local people. The result of this research were presented in descriptive method with statistics, showed that among one to three word-long nickname modifiers, one word-long modifiers were used the most, followed by 2 and 3 word-long, respectively. The origins of the nickname modifiers were categorized into three groups: 1) something related to a person’s characteristics; 2) something unrelated to a person’s characteristics; and 3) something related and unrelated to a person’s characteristics. The analysis showed that group 1 is the most frequently found of the modifier origin, followed by group 2 and 3, respectively. In terms of language used in the nickname modifiers, the standard Thai language is the most frequently used language, followed by northeastern Thai dialect (Isan) and foreign languages, respectively. The findings demonstrate the cultural impact of other languages on the people in the studied area. This can be observed through the use of Isan language together with standard Thai and English in nickname modifiers.

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