The Relationship between Learning Participation and Learning Burnout among Thai Students in Printmaking Program: Psychological Capital for Psychological Management

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Liu Dejin


The research aims to study the relationship between learning participation and learning burnout among Thai students in Printmaking program: Psychological Capital for Psychological Management. The objectives of the study are 1) to study the study learning engagement and learning burnout among Printmaking program students at Thai universities, 2) to explore the role of psychological capital in the relationship between participation and learning burnout Participate in learning and learning burnout among students in the Printmaking program, the psychological capital in learning engagement and learning burnout issue. The research tools used in the study is a research questionnaire by sampling method to facilitate data analysis, regarding participation in learning, psychological capital, and learning burnout among Printmaking students.

The research results show that the relationship between engaged learning and academic burnout among graphic arts students. The positive relationship between active learning and academic burnout among graphic arts students is at a significant level (r =.389, p<0.001), which is a low relationship. And there is a positive relationship between active learning and students' psychological capital to a significant level (r =.717, p<0.001), which is a moderate relationship and considering the relationship between psychological capital and students' academic burnout, which reaches a significant level (r =.417, p<0.001), it is a moderately moderate relationship.

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How to Cite
Dejin, L. (2024). The Relationship between Learning Participation and Learning Burnout among Thai Students in Printmaking Program: Psychological Capital for Psychological Management. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 12(2), 606–618. Retrieved from
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