The Process of Developing Rehabilitation of Murder Prisoners According to Buddhist Peaceful Means: A Case Study of Pattaya Remand Prison

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Manoon Sumrej
Phramaha Hansa Dhammahāso
Adoon hunthong


The research article consisted of the following objectives: 1) to study and analyze the context of Pattaya Remand Prison, including the concepts and theories of criminology, the concepts of killing, and the concepts of rehabilitation development for inmates convicted of homicide; 2) to study and analyze concepts, theories, and methods of rehabilitation development for inmates convicted of homicide according to the Buddhist peaceful means; and 3) to present the rehabilitation development process for inmates convicted of homicide using Buddhist peaceful means in a case study of Pattaya Remand Prison. The study applied mixed-methods research by way of research and development (R&D). A sample group consisted of 40 inmates convicted of homicide. The research instruments for data collection were an interview form with 43 persons and focus group discussion with 13 experts. The acquired data were analyzed by mean of data classification techniques. From the study, the following results are found 1) The problems are discovered as follows: the operation of rehabilitation development for inmates due to the large number of inmates in Pattaya Remand Prison, the limited budget, the requirements for rehabilitation development, the arrangement of different vocational training activities for inmates in order to minimize recidivism, the insufficient staff for the work operations, the size of a prison used for rehabilitation program is too small, and the content of rehabilitation program is incompatible with the external labor market that inmates are unable to pursue a career when sentences are ended; 2) The tools used for rehabilitation development of inmates convicted of homicide in order for them to develop desirable behaviors are Trisikkhā (the Threefold Learning) as well as using the Buddhist peaceful means to lead a decent life, enhance morality, train the mind for purity, and improve emotional intelligence. While Bhāvanā (the Four Developments) are applied to evaluate the result of human development; and 3) The presentation of the rehabilitation development process for inmates convicted of homicide using Buddhist peaceful means in a case study of Pattaya Remand Prison is, therefore, the establishment of sustainable peace in society

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How to Cite
Sumrej, M., Dhammahāso, P. H., & hunthong, A. . (2021). The Process of Developing Rehabilitation of Murder Prisoners According to Buddhist Peaceful Means: A Case Study of Pattaya Remand Prison. Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 9(7), 2762–2775. Retrieved from
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