Conditions, Problems and Solutions of the Islamic Way of Orphan Care System in the Southern Border Provinces Orphanages


  • Sapinah Pohsoh -Faculty of Islamic Science, Prince of Songkla University
  • Abdulroning Suetair Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.


Southern Provinces Thailand., Care, Orphans, Islamic Way


Objectives: The objectives of this research are 1) to study caring for orphans according to the Islamic way 2) to study conditions and problems of caring for orphans according to the Islamic way in orphanages in the southern border provinces and 3) to study guidelines for developing the caring system for orphans in the southern border provinces.

Methodology: This research is qualitative research presenting data descriptively and analytically, and collecting document data from al-Quran, al-Hadith, and views of Muslim scholars including related research. The study uses interviews with those concerned consisting of orphan caretakers in the southern border provinces, namely Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat, and Songkhla (4 districts include: Cana Thepha Nathwi and Sabayai) by using a purposive selection method.

Research findings: 1. Islamic principles encourage Muslims to take an interest in and provide assistance to orphans, and a part of taking care of orphans according to the Islamic way includes; 1) taking care of the management of orphans' property, 2) caring for and giving love to orphans in the form of foster families, 3) promoting both religious and vocational education for orphans, and 4) protecting and preserving the rights of orphans. 2. The conditions and problems of caring for orphans in orphanages in the southern border provinces include 1) lack of personnel in some areas, 2) budget and expenses, 3) lack of personnel in training religious knowledge and general education, and 4) lack of attention from leaders of areas and government support. 3. Guidelines for developing the caring system for orphans in the southern border provinces are as follows; 1) recruiting adoptive families, 2) organizing activities to create thinking processes, 3) supporting self-expression in the right way, 4) promoting education, and 5) conducting psychological assessment in each area to provide effective guidelines of the system.

Contribution: The research results can be used as guidelines for developing the orphan care system in the southern border provinces to meet the goals and achieve maximum benefit.


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How to Cite

Pohsoh, S. and Suetair , A. 2024. Conditions, Problems and Solutions of the Islamic Way of Orphan Care System in the Southern Border Provinces Orphanages. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 15, 1 (Jun. 2024), 64–82.



Research Articles