Attitudes of Thai Muslims Towards Following Orders and Measures to Prevent The Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From The Sheikhul Islam Office


  • Abdullateh Saleah Faculty of Islamic Studies and Laws, Fatoni University
  • Roshidah Hanakamae Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University
  • Weayosof Sidae Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University
  • Salma Daemohleng Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University
  • Ismael Anohkasae Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University
  • Ahmad Alfariti Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University
  • Ismaie Sa-i Faculty of Islamic Studies and Iaws, Fatoni University


Muslims in Thailand's, coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)


Objective:  This research the objective is to study the attitude of Thai Muslims towards following orders and measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) of the Sheikhul Islam Office.

Methodology: The sample group used in this research included people in the area of Pattani Province. Yala Province and Narathiwat Province, totaling 400 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze the data include averages. and standard deviation.

Research Findings: People in the three southern border provinces, namely Pattani Province Yala Province and Narathiwat Province Most have a positive attitude towards the measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) of the Sheikhul Islam Office. Because such measures are consistent with Islamic principles, namely the preservation of human life. Or it can be called protection of life security. Because this principle aims to protect life from physical harm. or harming any part of the body and will cover the treatment and prevention of health or eliminating various diseases, especially epidemics such as the coronavirus that which is the form of adjustment in religious practice It will consist of refraining from doing what is compulsory. Approval for prohibited acts and changing forms of religious affairs.

Applications: 1) Office of the Provincial Islamic Committee The research results can be used to adjust policies for religious practices in the epidemic situation that are appropriate to the local context. 2) Mosques in the area By the Islamic Committee of the Mosque It consists of Imam Khateb Bilal committee. and the mosque the results of this research can be used as a guideline for adjusting the model for adapting religious practices in an epidemic situation that is appropriate for the local context. 3) Educational institutions university professor Muslim scholar by applying knowledge about the adjustment patterns of Muslims in the three southern border provinces that are consistent with Islamic principles to be used in academics, research, teaching Disseminate and expand knowledge


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How to Cite

Saleah, A., Hanakamae, R. , Sidae, W. , Daemohleng, S. , Anohkasae, I. , Alfariti, A. and Sa-i, I. 2023. Attitudes of Thai Muslims Towards Following Orders and Measures to Prevent The Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) From The Sheikhul Islam Office. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 14, 2 (Dec. 2023), 184–206.



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