Development of Students’ Thinking Process for the Maintenance of Life Based on Wasatiyyah Principle in the Spreading Situation of Corona Virus 2019 (COVID 19) by Adopting the Thinking Method Linked with the Main Islamic Purpose in line with Qadhaa and Qadar and Public Interest Principle


  • Abdulhadee Sabuding Faculty of Islamic Sciences Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Yahari Kaseng Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus
  • Ni-Abadee Ming Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus


Wasatiya principle, Belief, Students, COVID-19


Objectives: To study students’ thinking process for the maintenance of life based on Wasatiyyah Principle in the spreading situation of Corona Virus 2019 (COVID 19) by adopting the thinking method linked with the main Islamic purpose in line with Qadhaa Qadar and Public Interest Principle.

Methodology: It is a qualitative research relying on workshops and focus group meetings of the students experienced in adopting the thinking method linked with the main Islamic purpose in line with Qadhaa and Qadar and Public Interest Principle. The focus group is 30 students of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, fourth year in the educational year of 2564. The study uses purposive sampling to select the focus group from 4 major programs including Islamic Studies, Islamic Studies Education, Islamic Economics and Management, and Islamic Law provided that they completed learning the course Wasatiyyah. The study also uses content analysis.

Research Findings: 1) with respect to thinking process the study found that the students’ thinking process for the maintenance of life based on Wasatiyyah Principle in the spreading situation of Corona Virus 2019 (COVID 19) by adopting the thinking method linked with the main Islamic purpose in line with Qadhaa Qadar and public interest principle is marked by the method mutually linked with the main Islamic purpose in line with Qadhaa Qadar and public interest principle.2) with respect to appropriateness of the thinking method linked with the main Islamic purpose in line with Qadhaa Qadar and public interest principle it was found that the students opined that the consideration of linkage of the thinking method as aforesaid mentioned could generate a clear understanding of the practical principles in line with various contexts of the COVID 19 pandemic such as congregational prayer during which the performers have to keep more distance while offering it in mosques, and life maintenance in conformity with Wasatiyyah principle of religious practices, life, intellect, lineage, and property. And the need to choose the most appropriate and flexible way of doing things for daily life without violating 5 religious principles as mentioned above is most recommended. 3) with respect to its application condition of the thinking method linked with the main Islamic purpose in line with Qadhaa Qadar and public interest principle it was found that the application of the analysis model in daily life has to depend on basic religious knowledge and understanding of Wasatiyyah principle. Therefore, those qualified with the knowledge and the understanding can apply the method and those unqualified need to improve their knowledge and understanding for applying it.4) with respect to the implementation of public interest principle in daily life of the graduate students on campus the study found that the students agree that the analysis model can be implemented in daily life provided that some technical terms related to it and its correct use need to be explained.

Contribution: be able to apply the research results as a body of knowledge and to use in learning for students in higher education institutions and is a guideline for applying to daily life amid the epidemic situation of COVID-19 (COVID-19) of students


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How to Cite

Sabuding, A., Kaseng, Y. and Ming, N.-A. 2022. Development of Students’ Thinking Process for the Maintenance of Life Based on Wasatiyyah Principle in the Spreading Situation of Corona Virus 2019 (COVID 19) by Adopting the Thinking Method Linked with the Main Islamic Purpose in line with Qadhaa and Qadar and Public Interest Principle. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 13, 1 (Jun. 2022), 1–29.



Research Articles