The Perspectives of Qur’anic Interpretation of Scholars in the Islamic World and Tasawwuf Scholars


  • Jakkrit Marnnoi Ph.D. Candidate. Islamic Studies. Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Abdullah Numsuk Ph.D. (Creed) Assistant Professor at Faculty of Islamic Sciences. Prince of Songkla University, Pattani, Thailand


Al - Tasawwufal, Tariqahal-Qadiriyyah, al-Sufi


The objective of this research is to determine the comparative between IbnKatheer and Ahmad Najmuddeen Al-kubro on their Qur’an interpretations. In this comparative study, is introduce the interpretations of al Quran by Ibnkatheer which will be principally focused on and will be compared along with Ahmad Najmuddeen Al-kubro’s interpretations. The study found that IbnKatheer interprets Al-Quran in  Aphorism perspective by using the corresponding texts and also use Hadith to support. Moreover, IbnKatheer also takes the report from Companiosn and Follwers in order to expand the clearness and understandings. Besides that, he also takes the report from  Ulama’s viewpoint to help to understand clearly. In addition, the distinctive point of  IbnKatheer is that he will expand meaning in each word in details therefore simple to absorb information. In the other hand, Ahmad Najmuddeen Al-kubro in the thoughts of Tasawwuf which interprets Al Quran in Indicative perspective. By comparing each word in the sense of metaphoric and then brought together as a story to guide into practice in daily lives. This will emphasize the thoughts of conscience and Mention of Allah by using the support of Quran that provided similar objectives to create the consistency and accuracy of thought. The highlight of Ahmad Najmuddeen Al-kubro’s explanation method is the way he paraphrases each verses from the Quran to practice and use it in everyday life. Therefore, the audiences will be closed to Allah as much as possible and to make audiences always recall back to Allah.


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How to Cite

Marnnoi, J. and Numsuk, A. 2020. The Perspectives of Qur’anic Interpretation of Scholars in the Islamic World and Tasawwuf Scholars. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 11, 1 (Jun. 2020), 33–43.



Research Articles