Halal process and standard development of Islamic Council of Pattani Province


  • Assistant Professor Abdullateh Saleah M.Ed. (Islamic Educational Administration and Management), Asst.Prof. and Lecturer of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and laws, Fatoni University
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Abdurrohman Chapakiya Ph.D. (Islamic Studies), Asst.Prof, Lecturer of Usulluddin, Faculty of Islamic Studies and laws, Fatoni University
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Ahama kaday Ph.D. (Islamic Studies), Lecturer of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and laws, Fatoni University


มาตรฐานฮาลาล, คณะกรรมการอิสลามประจำจังหวัดปัตตานี


The objective of this research is to study the conditions of the Halal certification operation of the Islamic Committee of Pattani Province and Halal process and standard development of Islamic Council of Pattani Province. This research is qualitative research, Field data collection was carried by interviewing with the Halal affairs department and the chairman of the Pattani Islamic Committee, director of the Halal Institute Prince of Songkla University and food halal operators in Pattani province. The data was analyzed by creating conclusions, used the descriptive according to the objectives. The research results found that Halal certification operation of the Office of the Pattani Islamic Committee Halal affairs department has requested Halal certification according to rules and regulations related to Halal certification of the Office of the Central Islamic Council of Thailand. According to the office of the Pattani Islamic Committee, Halal food business operators are requesting more registration every year especially, the community enterprise group and small and medium size enterprises establishments The Halal Business Department estimated that the investment opportunities in the area of ​​Pattani Province are quite high.

            The development of the Halal certification process of the Islamic Council of Pattani Province that Halal certification procedures should be updated to be up to date and fast. And the development of the personnel of the Halal Business Department to have scientific knowledge and be able to verify Halal certification effectively proactive action to understand and give importance to Muslim entrepreneurs about Halal certification. Public relations, website information Should be present and creating a modern database and linking with government agencies and the private sector there should be additional ways of communication with the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand regarding Halal certification for entrepreneurs. And should have a law to support and give authority to operate and control those who use the Halal logo expired or violate the use of Halal logo.


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How to Cite

Saleah, A., Chapakiya, A. and Kaday, A. 2020. Halal process and standard development of Islamic Council of Pattani Province. Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 11, 1 (Jun. 2020), 75–87.



Research Articles