Al-Basmala (A study in Morphological structural)


  • Dr. Wilailak Wisetrat Ph.D. (Arabic Language Studies) Lecturer, Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University Pattani Campus.
  • Assistant Professor. Dr. Murtada Farah Ali Widaa Ph.D. (Arabic Language) Asistant Professor, Lecturer at Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts and Applied science, Dhufar University, Oman


Al-Basmala, Morphological structure, The assimilate epithet, Intensive form


One of the main goals of the study which is entitled “Al-basmala a study in the morphological structure”, is to reveals in its entirety about the basic structures of the words in which Al-basmala formed by morphologically, this study will also address the different views in regard of whether it consider to be a verse from the Quran or not. How the stop can be made in the recitation and what is the root of its words. And then make a preponderance between various evidence based on the findings.

          This study will be mainly analyzing the different  following words: ism, Allah, Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim. It is therefore a bibliographical study based on sources and references in which informations on the subject is available. And as for the methodological aspect, the author adapt the analytical descriptive method and moreover this article tend to answer two different questions:

What is the “ishtiqaq” and “jumud” of the words of Al-basmala? And what is the form of each word of it?

          This study approach to the topic is through two main keys: the first key is an introduction and a discussion about the definition of Al-basmala and its morphological structure. And secondly is address the analytical findings of the study as a whole.

          Some of these findings is as follow: based on the morphological structure, there is a disputation on the  derivative radix of the word “ism”. And the most likely one of all the evidences, it is derive from the word “wasama”. As for the words “Rahman” and “Raham” both derive from the word “Rahima” which are a descriptive attributes to the name of the Majesty (Allah).


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How to Cite

Wisetrat, W. and Murtada Farah Ali Widaa 2020. Al-Basmala (A study in Morphological structural). Journal of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University. 11, 1 (Jun. 2020), 88–95.



Research Articles